Fee Guide

NHS Banding


This covers:

  • Examination

  • Diagnosis, advice and x-rays

  • Scale and polish*

  • Fluoride varnish & fissure sealant

  • Further treatment planning

*Only available if clinically necessary


This covers everything in band one, plus additional treatment such as:

  • Fillings

  • Root Canal Treatment

  • Extractions


This covers everything in band one and band two, plus more complex procedures such as:

  • Crowns

  • Bridges

  • Dentures

NHS Frequently Asked Questions

  • You will be entitled to free NHS dental treatment if, when your treatment starts, you are:

    • Under 18

    • Under 19 and in full-time education

    • Pregnant or you've had a baby in the 12 months before treatment starts

    • Staying in an NHS hospital and the hospital dentist carries out your treatment

    You can also get free NHS dental treatment if, when the treatment starts or when you're asked to pay:

    • You're included in an award of Income Support, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance or Pension Credit guarantee credit

    • You're named on, or entitled to, a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate

    • You're named on a valid HC2 certificate

    • If you're named on a valid HC3 certificate, you may not have to pay for all your NHS dental treatment. HC2 and HC3 certificates are issued under the NHS Low Income Scheme - see below.

    You will not be exempt from paying for NHS dental treatment because you receive one of the benefits below when paid on their own:

    • Incapacity Benefit

    • Contribution-based Jobseeker's Allowance

    • Contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance

    • Disability Living Allowance

    • Council Tax Benefit

    • Housing Benefit

    • Pension Credit savings credit

    You'll be asked to show your dentist written proof that you're entitled to financial help with dental treatment. This will vary depending on your circumstances.

  • Unless you are exempt, only some minor treatments are offered for free through the NHS. But in the case that you must pay for your treatment, you will only ever be asked to pay one charge for each complete course - even if you need to visit your dentist more than once to finish it.

    In cases where you are referred to another dentist for an additional course of treatment, you should expect a second charge.

  • The NHS Low Income Scheme provides income-related help to people who are not exempt from charges but who may be entitled to full or partial help with healthcare costs if they have a low income. Anyone can apply as long as they don't have savings or investments over the capital limit. In England, the capital limit is £16,000 (or £23,250 if you live permanently in a care home).

    Help is based on a comparison between your weekly income and assessed requirements at the time the claim is made. Entitlement broadly follows Income Support rules to decide how much, if anything, you must pay towards your healthcare costs, including dental treatment costs.

    The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) website has more information about the NHS Low Income Scheme, including how to apply.

  • Typically, NHS dental care doesn’t include treatments that would be considered cosmetic, for aesthetic purposes or not clinically necessary such as advanced treatments. Your clinician will discuss your treatment options with you to ensure you receive the dental care you need to feel confident in your smile.

    What dental treatment can be provided on the NHS?

    It is up to the dentist to decide what dental treatment is clinically necessary.

    Treatments that cannot be deemed clinically necessary or that are purely cosmetic, such as sports guards or external bleaching, must be provided privately.

    Your clinician will discuss your treatment options with you to ensure you receive the dental care you need to feel confident in your smile.

Private Fees